The first large expansion for A Feast for Odin, A Feast for Odin: TheNorwegians includes four new islands (Isle of Man, Isle of Skye, Islay, OuterHebrides) with Irish coastal Viking-settlements on the backside (Waterford,Wexford, Cork, Limerick), where people from Norway came to stay through thewinter (longphort), to trade at, and to settle nearby. This offers newstrategies and new puzzle-tiles like horse (6VP, 2×5 spaces)/pregnanthorse/leather(green)/vadmal(blue) and pigs (1 VP, breed every round;2×3 – 1 = 5 spaces)/herbal (orange)/ antler (green)/tools (blue). The gamehas a third box for the tiles and offers the four old islands too (renewedlittle different VPs and new graphic-aspects of mini-expansion islandsLofoten/Orkneys/Tierra del Fuego).
The expansion includes another mountain-strip (last round), more two-silvercoins, meat/beans and runes/oil and a “little emigration” piece that coversone food instead of two. You get it on a new action-space for giving away awhaling boat. The renewed action board has three pieces that can be turnedaround for different numbers of players (version for 1–2, 3, and 4 players),which increases the chances of players getting in each others way. It containsnew opportunities like butchering, elk-hunting, fishing, and thievery, alongwith changes for some old actions. It's now easier, for example, to play ananimal strategy, also because you can now get two of the same animals in oneaction. There is also a new fifth column to make a (better) action with yourlast Viking! You can smith, for example, now a grey piece with maximum of eightswords by using an ore and only one action. Also for this, there are five newgrey puzzle-pieces like pan, hauberk or anvil and a little board for smithablepieces with fewer than nine swords.
Totally new is also the idea of a random start-building. Everybody gets oneof the six artisan shed boards and can build the front or backside with one woodand one action. These buildings offer, covered like stonehouse and longhouse,some stuff (pieces, weapons, commodities), VPs and one silver (horse stable2 silver). So everybody has another different start-opportunity – like theprofession card. Another new option is, that instead of putting a professioncard into the game, you can throw it away for a VP-chip. A nice littlecompetitive element, because there are only two 4-VP-chips, six 3-VP-chips andeight (endless) 2-VP-chips.
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Product Details
Product Code: 28447285Barcode: 841333107680
Brand: Z-Man Games
Playtime: 30-120 minutes
Recommended Age: 12+
Number of Players: 1-4
Themes: Historical
Board Game Mechanics: Pattern Building | Tile Placement | Worker Placement
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Historical Games, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Strategy Board Games, Z-Man Games
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