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Historical Games

Historical Games

Historical Games

7 Wonders (Board Game)

7 Wonders - 2nd Edition


7 Wonders (Board Game)

7 Wonders Duel: Agora (Expansion)


7 Wonders (Board Game)

7 Wonders Duel (Card Game)


7 Wonders (Board Game)

7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon (Expansion)


7 Wonders (Board Game)

7 Wonders: Edifice (Expansion)


Thames & Kosmos

Anno 1800 (Board Game)



Catan - 3D Edition


Rio Grande Games

Concordia: Venus (Expansion)


Alderac Entertainment Group

Istanbul: The Dice Game


Stonemaier Games

Libertalia - Winds of Galecrest


Love Letter (Board Game)

Love Letter - Revised Edition


Red Raven Games

Near and Far (Board Game)


Z-Man Games

Paleo (Board Game)


Pandemic (Board Game)

Pandemic: Fall of Rome (Board Game)


Façade Games

Salem 1692 (2nd Edition)


The Board Gamer NZ

Secret Hitler (Card Game)


Shop our range of historic games at The Board Gamer. Historic board games and historic card games focus on a time and place in history. Recreate real battles and go back in time with your next board game.