Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3–5 player sandbox style competitivespace adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a smallstarship.
Players fly their ships about the system, completing a variety of missions,exploring new sectors and battling other ships. Navigating hazardousenvironments, players choose to mine, salvage, or trade valuable cargo. Captainsvie with each other for Titles, riches and, most importantly, Fame.
The most adaptive, risk-taking and creative players will excel. One captainwill rise above the others, surpassing mortality by becoming Legend!
Customize: Each player begins the game by choosing andcustomizing a Tier 1 starship. Invest all your money in engines and be a rapid,yet fragile, explorer. Put all your credits into an uber missile and watch otherplayers flee in terror. Get a small engine and save space and credits to investin buying and selling cargo. Or create a well rounded ship, ready for anything.In Xia, the choice is always yours.
Adapt: The goal of Xia is to become the most famous captain.Completing missions, besting ships in combat, purchasing higher tier ships,selling Cargo Cubes and claiming Titles are all ways that players can earn FamePoints. The best pilots will adapt to their surroundings, making snap judgmentsand changing plans on-the-fly. If you can think on your feet, you'll do wellin Xia!
Sandbox: The real fun of Xia is that each game will bedifferent. There is no set direction of play – players may choose to bepeaceful traders, fierce pirates, workers, miners, opportunists, etc. The gameboard is randomly laid out and explored each time you play. Players might choosenot to explore at all, creating a tiny arena for swift and deadly combat, orexplore all 19 sectors and have a large play-scape to exploit. It's upto you!
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Product Details
Product Code: 36645660Barcode: 748252116314
Brand: Far Off Games
Playtime: 60-180 minutes
Recommended Age: 12+
Number of Players: 3-5
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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