George the shepherd is exhausted. It’s complete chaos in the valley!
The sheep do whatever they want and love to wander around.
Shearing time is approaching and George needs to find a way to herd them alltogether… and fast! Using the village sheepdogs to
help seems the best way forward.
Make the most of each dog’s skills to get the sheep under control.
Object of the Game
Be the first player to score 20 points.
Form the Sheep deck
Shuffle all Sheep, Joker, and Action cards together.
Deal six cards to each player.
Deal the Sheepdog and Empty Doghouse cards
Deal two Empty Doghouse cards to each player, then return the rest to thebox.
Shuffle the Sheepdog cards, then deal one to each player.
Give a Score wheel to each player.
The player with the most convincing “baa” goes first.
Playing the Game
Wool Gang is played over several rounds.
Each round has two phases:
Playing the Sheep,
Sending the Dogs.
Playing the Sheep : Starting with the first player then playing clockwise, eachplayer chooses one card from their hand and plays it in the middle of the table.This can be a Sheep, Action, or Joker card. Once each player has played fivecards, the “Playing the Sheep” phase ends.
Unless otherwise stated, you never play your sixth card.
A Sheep card can be played ALONE, by itself, or it can be added to one or morecards already on the table to form a GROUP of sheep.
You may add a Sheep card to any GROUP, regardless of the numbers or colors thatcompose it.
Joker Card : A Joker card is a Sheep card that takes on the number and coloryou desire when the sheepdogs are revealed.
Action Card : Action cards let you move the sheep on the table.
When you play an Action card, immediately apply its effect, thendiscard it.
Note: Discard the Action card if you cannot apply its effect.
- Sending the Dogs : After getting to know their dogs’ abilities and seeingwhere the sheep have wandered, each player secretly decides whether to playzero, one, or two sheepdog(s) to try and collect sheep.
Each player must place two cards in front of themselves, face down. Use theEmpty Doghouse cards if you don’t want to play all your dogs at once. Youdon’t want to give away your strategy! Then all players reveal their cards atthe same time.
Note: During the first round, players only have one sheepdog so must play oneor two Empty Doghouse cards.
Each sheepdog has their own requirements for collecting sheep. Sheepdogabilities are resolved in ascending order of their Initiative Value.
For example, a sheepdog with an Initiative Value of 50 resolves before asheepdog with an Initiative Value of 55.
Prepare for the Next Round
Shuffle all Sheep, Action, and Joker cards again, then deal six to eachplayer.
Each player refills their hand to two Empty Doghouse cards, then draws one newSheepdog card, unless they already have two.
Note: If there are not enough Sheepdog cards for each player, shuffle all thediscarded Sheepdog cards and place them under the draw pile before dealingagain.
The player with the highest total score starts the next round. In case of a tie,the player who scored the most points during the previous roundplays first.
End of the Game
When a player has 20 or more points, the players finish the round and then thegame ends. The player(s) with the highest score win the game.
Note: To adjust the game length, you can change the win conditions to 10 or30 points.
- 2–5 Players
- 20mins
- Ages 8+

Product Details
Product Code: 38498187Barcode: 3421271190110
Publisher: Gigamic
Brand: Gigamic
Playtime: 20 minutes
Number of Players: 2-5
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Card Games, Children's Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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