Wasgij? Calm on the Canal! Is the brilliantly funny 1,000 piece jigsawpuzzle that illustrates a lovely day on the canal. The image printed on thefront of the box depicts a man cruising down the canal on his boat. Thensuddenly he hears something behind him, causing him and the people around tostop and stare! What could be happening to get this surprised reaction fromeveryone? Try to imagine you are the farmer on the bridge and what hecan see.
- Title: Calm on the Canal
- Series: Wasgij Originals
- Artist: Wasgij
- Piece Count: 1,000
Suitable for ages 8 & up.

Product Details
Product Code: 32746911Barcode: 9414131772551
Brand: Holdson
Recommended Age: 8+
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Holdson, Holdson Puzzle Sale, Mother's Day Puzzle Sale!, Puzzles, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Wasgij
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