Wargames Illustrated (affectionately known as Wi) is theworld’s leading and best-selling magazine dedicated to the hobby of miniaturewargaming.
Each month Wi features news, views, reviews, and over 100 pages ofarticles relating to the noble hobby of miniature wargaming – the pursuit ofcollecting, painting, and gaming with miniature figurines (known variously asfigures, miniatures, figs, minis, or toy soldiers).
This Month's Issue Features:
OBSERVATION POST – We’ve got a haul of swag from Salutein this month’s Observation Post with new plastics, pre-painted terrain, andmuch more.
RELEASE RADAR – With Dom Sore taking an extendedhoneymoon break Paul Mathews is back for another tour of RR duty!
QUICK FIRE- Samurai, the Crimea, lighting and Ragged StaffMinis all feature in this month’s eclectic quick-read posts from your fellowwargamers.
WEAPONS IN WARGAMES- To kick off this month’s Weaponstheme we tracked down Alan and Michael Perry, and Jervis Johnson, and asked themhow they handle weapons when figure-sculpting and game-designing.
A SCRAPHEAP CHALLENGE – Magnus Alm builds some wonderfulterrain without spending money on any new kits.
TWO THOUSAND YEARS AND COUNTING – Bill Gray examines theamazing longevity of the pike and related polearms, presenting wargaming noteson the weapon’s swansong in late World War Two Japan.
HITTING THE BEACHES – With Summer around the corner, thefolks behind D-Day Replayed have their minds on the Normandy Beaches and bigplans to commemorate the 1944 landings in 28mm.
SMITING THE GOOD SMITE – For this month’s Weaponstheme, regular contributor Pete Brown decided to be less than predictable,choosing to focus on a two-wheeled ‘weapon’ pulled by a team of horses: akathe Chariot.
SALUTE 51 SHOW REPORT – Thousands crowdedLondon’s ExCel, for the busiest Salute we’ve ever seen, and Team Wi were onhand to document the day.
THE MOSIN-NAGANT RIFLE – Lisa Smedman discusses an iconrifle which was used by her grandfather in the Finish Civil War, 1918, and stillsees service today.
PAINTING DRAMATIC OSL – Callum France creates a sense ofdrama by applying bold object source lighting to our Richard ‘Dick’ Winters(Band of Brothers hero) Giants in Miniature figure.
THE ANNIHILATOR – As part of this month’s Weaponstheme, Chris Swan examines the history of the Thompson and puts it to use in apulp game in an unusual setting.
RUCKUS CAMPAIGNS – Mike Peters presents full rules forconnecting your Ruckus games into an ongoing Campaign, along with two newCampaign Scenarios.
SHIELDMAIDENS – Sébastien Clément documents thebuilding and painting process of his Salute 2024 PaintingCompetition-winning unit.

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Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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