Every stick is a sword. Every bike is a steed. Every memory is apossibility.
In Vivid Memories, you’ll take turns collecting fragments of childhoodmemories, weaving a tapestry of colored threads in your mind. Throughout yourjourney, you’ll store important moments in your memory bank – gaining newabilities to help you score.
Cleverly create connections and earn rewards for completing core memories,matching the imagination behind each moment, and working toward your lifelongaspirations for victory.
During the game, players take turns collecting fragments of memories frommoment tiles, placing them in their “brain” board to weave a tapestry ofcolored threads. Using abilities at the end of each round to cleverly createconnections, players are rewarded for how they store memory fragments whileworking toward completing “core memories”, which give repeated benefits eachround. Through their journey, players store important moments in their memorybank – gaining new abilities and new opportunities to score – all whileworking to collect fragments and moments that match what they aspire to be.

Product Details
Product Code: 35025615Barcode: 850030923004
Brand: Floodgate Games
Playtime: 30-45 minutes
Recommended Age: 13+
Number of Players: 2-4
Themes: Other
Board Game Mechanics: Card Drafting | Network Building
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Strategy Board Games
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