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UGears: Harry Potter - The Knight Bus (268pc)

$125.00 $209.99
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The Knight Bus from the Harry Potter series is here to rescue young wizards,witches and Muggles alike. This DIY wooden mechanical model bus is an excitingaddition to the Ugears Harry Potter collection, and a very clever piece ofengineering indeed. To create this triple-decker bus, with its unique featuresfrom the Wizarding World universe, our Ugears designers and engineers setthemselves an ambitious goal: create a bus that can narrow and expand itself,and change speed when it does, just like in the movie Harry Potter and thePrisoner of Azkaban.

The speedy Knight Bus can roar through the streets of Muggle London (or yourliving room) thanks to its powerful spring-powered motor, which is wound using asecret key stored on top of the bus. Raise the magical manipulator button, alsoon the roof of the bus, to lock the drive gears and prevent the bus from runningaway before all wizards and witches have boarded. With the bus stopped you cannow remove the secret winding key, insert it into the ratchet mechanism on theside of the bus and give it a few twists. To set the bus in motion, press downthe magical manipulator button while holding the bus, then let go! The KnightBus roars off thanks to a system of gears that transfer energy from the springto the wheels, including a “flip” gear that lets the bus continuecoasting.

The standout feature of the DIY wooden model Knight Bus is its ability totransform by narrowing or expanding its width with a twist of the magicalmanipulator. Twist the knob on top of the bus counterclockwise and the busbecomes narrow, for squeezing between traffic. Twist the knob clockwise toexpand the bus (and any passengers) to their true size. But here's the amazingthing—as the width of the bus changes, so does the speed! In its normal (notcompressed) state, the bus travels astonishingly fast. Compress the bus and aninternal mechanism makes the bus travel in slow motion.

You can leave the Knight Bus in its attractive, natural wood state, paint itpurple (as seen in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), or do it up in anycolor scheme you like with your own paints or wood stains. The DIY model bus,based on a magical universe, created by J. K. Rowling, is rated “middle”difficulty, has 268 pieces and an estimated assembly time of 6 hours. Toassemble, just punch the pieces out of the laser pre-cut boards and snap themtogether. No glue or special tools required. Don't forget to sand and wax themoving parts to make your Knight Bus run smoothly (sandpaper and wax included inthe kit). Detailed, illustrated instructions are available in 11 languages.

Ugears' outstanding collection of mechanical 3D puzzles, DIY model kits,automatons, robots, wooden puzzle boxes and STEM Lab model kits are enjoyed byall ages and modeling skill levels, from beginners to experienced modelhobbyists. The Knight Bus is especially recommended for Harry Potter fans, modelhobbyists, fans of Ugears' outstanding automotive collection of classic cars,racers, trucks and buggies (and now a bus!), and really anyone who loves tobuild cool stuff. The Knight Bus model kit is a great gift idea for parents ofchildren who love the Harry Potter film series, or parents looking for a funcraft project to build with their children. Are your kids bored on a rainyafternoon? Let the Knight Bus come to the rescue!


  • **Model size: ** 7.7×2.6×5.9 in (196×65×150 mm)
  • Package size: 14.9×6.7×1.1 in (378×170×28 mm)
  • Number of components: 268
  • Estimated time for assembly: 6 hours
  • Level: Medium

Product Details

Product Code: 38078189
Barcode: 4820184121461
Brand: UGears

Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Harry Potter, Puzzles, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games

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