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Traitor Tots

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Traitor Tots

The Traitor Tots party game for adults and families is the hot potato cardgame of betrayal and sabotage! In this light strategy card game, players pass aHot Potato, try to avoid its BOOM card, and get the most Chips to win. Taketurns playing Action cards to steal Chips, switch teams, pass the Hot Potato,and more. Whenever someone plays a Nuke card, the player with the Hot Potatodraws its bottom card. If they reveal the BOOM card, everyone on their teamloses the round and anyone on the other team scores Chips. The player with themost Chips at the end of 3 rounds wins! The Traitor Tots game is a spudtacular,fast-paced game for kids and adults that livens up Family Game Night andget-togethers with best spuds. Fun party games and strategy card games also makecool gifts for kids, teens, and adults.


  • PARTY CARD GAME FOR ADULTS AND FAMILIES: The Traitor Totsgame is a hot potato card game of sabotage and betrayal! Grab the home fries foran unpredictable, edge-of-your-seat party game for ages 8+
  • DON’T GET BLOWN TO (BACON) BITS: Players strategize withAction cards and pass around a Hot Potato, loaded with cards, including 1 BOOMcard. Avoid drawing the BOOM and “exploding” the potato, and get the mostChips to win
  • SWITCH TEAMS AND SABOTAGE: It’s Fries vs. Tots! Playersstart on opposing sides, but that doesn’t mean they’ll stay on them.Switching teams and setting up others to draw the BOOM card is part of thestrategy
  • TICK, TICK … BOOM: Take turns playing Action cards, likeSabotage, Steal Chips, and Pass the Potato to move the Hot Potato to any player.Play Nuke Action cards until someone draws the BOOM card
  • 89 ILLUSTRATED CARDS AND A CUTE POTATO CARD HOLDER: Meetlife-saving Oven Mitts! Sweet Potatoes! Evil tater tots! Includes cardsdepicting the hilarious spud smackdown, plus a Hot Potato card holder
  • PLAY WITH UP TO 10 PLAYERS: Hungry for fun party gamesthat a-peel to both adults and small fries? The Traitor Tots strategy card gameis a tasty choice. It’s easy to learn, fast to play, and designed for 3 to10 players
  • TAKE THE FUN TO GO: This portable game is a great travelgame for vacations, camping, and anywhere, anytime play! It’s also makes afun gift for families, adult gamers, and kids ages 8 and up
  • Ages 8 and up
  • For 3 to 10 players.


  • 70× Action cards
  • 10× Team cards
  • 9× Hot Potato cards
  • Hot Potato card holder
  • 100× Chips
  • Chip bag
  • Game rules.

Product Details

Product Code: 39965181
Barcode: 195166260600
Brand: Hasbro

Playtime: 25 minutes
Recommended Age: 8+
Number of Players: 3-10
Board Game Mechanics: Hand Management

Categories: All Games, Best Family Board Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Hasbro, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games

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