A game of dreadful pirates and buried treasure. As a pirate captain set sailseeking fortune and glory. But beware! You are not the only pirate out to make aname for themselves.
Race to uncover buried treasures and engage in exciting naval battles to godown in history as the most glorious pirate to sail the seven seas. To Glory! isa dexterity game where players get to physically fire their ship cannons attheir opponents. Aim for other players' ships with your wooden cubes. Land yourcubes on ships to board them, while the most accurate shots will even manage toknock the other captains into the sea.
- 2–4 Players
- 20–40mins
- Ages 7+

Product Details
Product Code: 38844549Barcode: 605832261850
Publisher: Meeple
Brand: Meeple
Playtime: 20-40 minutes
Recommended Age: 7+
Number of Players: 2-4
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Strategy Board Games
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