The mighty pharaoh has been stirred from his eternal slumber and holds youresponsible! Can you solve the string of puzzles in just 60 minutes and uncoverthe spell to restore him to his state of rest and escape his curse?
First, it's time to travel to Egypt by scanning the interactive QR code andwatching the introduction video to set the scene. Now, your quest begins! Foradded atmosphere, use the playlist QR code to access an Egyptian mix that youcan listen to as you work.
Set a timer for 60 minutes and work as a team to uncover the words, numbers,and hieroglyphics you need to solve the puzzles before the timer runs out. Don'tworry – we’ve included hints in the instruction booklet in case you getstumped at a tombstone. Enter your answers into the interactive answers page tofind out whether you’ve cracked the code and escaped thepharaoh’s curse…
Designed for younger players, this escape room has an easy difficulty leveland is suitable for ages 9+. A smartphone, tablet or watch is required for theinteractive elements of this game.
- Ages: 9+
- Players: 2+
- Playtime: 60 Minutes
- An Instruction booklet
- 12× Game Puzzles
- 8× Tracing Paper Sheets
- 1× Notepad
- 1× Interactive Ending
- Photobooth Frame.

Product Details
Product Code: 38857278Barcode: 5052715137385
Brand: Talking Tables
Playtime: 60 minutes
Recommended Age: 9+
Number of Players: 2
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Escape Room Games, Mystery & Escape Room Games, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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