In Evergreen, your goal is to build a lush ecosystem by planting seeds,growing trees, and placing other natural elements on your planet, trying to makeit the greenest and most fertile of all.
You choose biome cards from a common pool to determine which area of yourplanet you'll develop in a round. The cards not chosen make those regions morefertile, and thus more valuable. To create a huge forest, you want to growtrees, plant bushes, and place lakes, while using the power of nature to gainextra actions. Ideally you can concentrate your trees in the most fertile areas,but without them overshadowing one another as you also want them to collect asmuch light as possible.
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Product Details
Product Code: 36024924Barcode: 8056324761426
Brand: Horrible Guild
Playtime: 45-45 minutes
Recommended Age: 8+
Number of Players: 1-4
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Strategy Board Games
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