New class options, character backgrounds, and deity descriptions fromthe Forgotten Realms.
Get everything you need to adventure in the Forgotten Realms on the excitingSword Coast, home to the cities of Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, and Neverwinter!A collaboration between Green Ronin Publishing and the Dungeons & Dragonsteam at Wizards of the Coast, the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide providesD&D fans with a wealth of detail on the places, cultures, and deities ofnorthwestern Faerun.
The Sword Coast Adventurer Äôs Guide is also a great way to catch up onrecent events in the Forgotten Realms, to get background on locations featuredin the Rage of Demons storyline coming in September, and to learn the lorebehind video games like Neverwinter and Sword Coast Legends. Here are just a fewof the features you'll find in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide:
- Immersive Adventuring: This campaign sourcebook provides players and DungeonMasters material for creating vibrant fantasy stories along theSword Coast.
- New Character Options: The book offers new subclass options, such as thePurple Dragon Knight and the Swashbuckler, for many of the classes presented inthe Player's Handbook, as well as new subraces and backgrounds specific to theForgotten Realms.
- Adventure in the Forgotten Realms: Discover the current state of theForgotten Realms and its deities after the Spellplague and the second Sundering.You'll also get updated maps of this area of the Realms.
- Compatible with Rage of Demons storyline: Make characters for use with theOut of the Abyss adventure and fight back the influence of the demon lords inthe Underdark below the Sword Coast.
- Insider Information: Learn the background behind locations, such as Luskanand Gracklstugh, featured in the upcoming digital RPG, Sword Coast Legends, fromn-Space.
With new character backgrounds and class options, players will love thestorytelling possibilities of playing a noble of Waterdeep, an elf bladesinger,or one of the other new options, while Dungeon Masters will relish a book fullof mysterious locations and story hooks to keep players adventuring on the SwordCoast for years to come.

Product Details
Product Code: 24160426Barcode: 9780786965809
Brand: Dungeons & Dragons
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Dungeons & Dragons, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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