Dune: Fall Of The Imperium
The time of the Imperium is ending. Emperor Shaddam IV is about to enact aplan to destroy the popular House Atreides using their old enemy, HouseHarkonnen. But this is merely the spark that sets the Known Universe on fire.Ancient plans are in motion, and one woman’s betrayal of her Sisterhoodplaces the fate of the Imperium in the hands of her son, Paul Atreides. On thedesert planet of Arrakis, the wheel of fate is poised to turn – and sweepeverything in its path away.
A storm is coming, one that will tear across every planet in the galaxy.Your House will find themselves in the midst of that storm, but will you surviveor be torn to shreds? Will you help the Atreides or watch Arrakeen burn insilence? Can you secure new spice supplies while the Harkonnen regime faltersand fails to provide? Will you align with the insurgent Fremen, or seize thechance to bargain for more power from a desperate Emperor on the brink of losinghis dynasty?
In this epic campaign, you can experience the events of FrankHerbert’s groundbreaking novel Dune as part of the incredible story. Whilethe main events may be set, the fate of your House is not. The fall of theImperium and the rise of Muad’Dib will tear the Known Universe apart. Sidewith the Fremen against the Imperium and risk the Emperor destroying you too,but remain loyal for too long and you will face the onslaught of the FremenJihad. Can your House navigate the webs of plot and treachery to determine itsown fate in this time of prophecy and destiny?
This 144-page, full colour, hardcover campaign book takes you from theImperium Era to the Ascension of Muad’Dib Era. It also includes detail oncontinuing your campaign in the new regime, including the Qizarate as a newfaction and detail on the state of the Known Universe after Paul takes thethrone. The campaign itself is broken into four Acts, each with three fulladventures, several more story seeds and expansion advice:
- Act I: The Gathering Storm: House Atreides takes control ofArrakis, but there is more to this appointment than meets the eye. At the sametime, House Ecaz enlists the player characters’ aid to make a strike againstHouse Harkonnen in revenge for their part in the Ecaz/Moritani war. Vendettaupon vendetta layers together, culminating in a brutal conflict on Arrakis.
- Act II: Muad’Dib: Arrakis is under the control of theHarkonnen once more, and it appears everything is as it should be. But there arewhispers of a new Fremen leader uniting the tribes, and the Harkonnen cannotcontain the problem. CHOAM asks the player characters to investigate, and thesecrets they discover will shake the Imperium.
- Act III: Fall of the Imperium: Spice production has stoppedand all eyes turn to Arrakis. The player characters must find their own supplyof spice or their House may never recover. In the chaos, old feuds reignite aseach House tries to hide its weaknesses and take advantage of those of theirenemies. However, the situation on Arrakis is dire, and the player charactersjoin the Houses of the Landsraad for a decisive reckoning with the Fremen andPaul Muad’Dib.
- Act IV: War Across a Million Worlds: Paul Atreides is thenew Emperor of the Imperium and everything has changed. His Fremen legions bringtheir religion with fire and steel to anyone who resists. A hundred plots andcounter-revolutions swirl in the storm of the Jihad. Will the player charactersand their House kneel before Muad’Dib or side with their peers to stop theworst of the atrocities? The time of the Imperium is at an end. Will your Houseprosper or become just one more forgotten casualty in a war across a millionworlds?

Product Details
Product Code: 39301506Barcode: 9781802813227
Brand: Dune
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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