Hot tempered and viewed as coarse by their Forge Father brethren, Brokkrs arenonetheless as capable with a weapon as with a tool or negotiation. Generally,they prefer to ‘get stuck in’ up close with small arms, but occasionallythey’ll pick up a big gun, too.
This set contains 11 plastic models, including:
- Burst Pistols, Forge Hammers and Magma Rifles
- Inferno Drill Weapons Platform
- Brokkr Chief and Engineer
- 25mm and 40mm Round Bases
- Mantic Points
Note: Models supplied are unassembled and unpainted (paintsnot included). Sprueless Plastic Requires super glue, check out our

Product Details
Product Code: 25829461Barcode: 5060208869903
Brand: Deadzone
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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