The Bazaars of Ubar is a fantastical engine-building game that takes playersto the mythical marketplaces of Ubar – the Atlantis of the Sands! Draft tradetiles from a common area, paying for them with time, in a marketplace where thecosts shift like the sands from game to game. Make clever use of tradewinds toactivate your drafted tiles again and again. Manage the space on your ship tocarry only the most precious cargo as you make your way to floating bazaars tosell your goods. Watch for fluctuating values in the markets to make sure yourgoods bring in the most gold and ensure your victory as the shrewdest trader inThe Bazaars of Ubar!
During setup, Trade tiles are laid out in a grid in the center of the table.On a player's turn, they take a trade tile from the center area and, paying atime cost for it. The time cost is spent by moving their ship along the pathtoward the next bazaar.
After taking a trade tile, a player adds it to their tableau adjacent topreviously taken tiles – activating the newly taken tile and previously takentiles in their tableau according to the direction of the trade winds on theirtile. Trade tiles allow players to earn new goods from the supply or trade goodsthey already have for more desirable goods.
When a player's ship reaches a bazaar, they may sell any number of the goodsthey have in their ship (to marketplaces with fluctuating values that vary fromgame to game). When all players have reached a bazaar, the trade tiles in thecenter are cleared and a new grid of trade tiles created.
When all players have reached the third bazaar, the game ends and the playerwith the most gold from selling their goods wins!
- 2–4 Players
- 45–75mins
- Ages 10+

Product Details
Product Code: 38923701Barcode: 196852656325
Brand: Grey Fox Games
Playtime: 45-75 minutes
Recommended Age: 10+
Number of Players: 2-4
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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