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Monopoly Games

Monopoly Games

Monopoly Games

Hasbro Gaming

Monopoly Bid


Winning Moves

Monopoly - Cats Edition


Hasbro Gaming

Monopoly Chance


Hasbro Gaming

Monopoly - Classic Edition


Hasbro Gaming

Monopoly Deal


Dungeons & Dragons

Monopoly - Dungeon & Dragons Edition



Monopoly GO!


Winning Moves

Monopoly - Labyrinth Edition


Monopoly is perhaps the most well known modern board game. Monopoly is a fast-dealing property trading board game derived from The Landlord's Game created by Lizzie Magie in the United States in 1903.

Monopoly is a simple game: you start off with some money, and your goal is to be the last player standing with money. The way you win in Monopoly is by collecting rents on property, or cash flow.

Monopoly has become a part of international pop-culture and is licensed locally in more than 103 countries and printed in more than 37 languages. Currently published by Hasbro in the game, players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them with houses and hotels. There have been many Monopoly additions, expansions and spin offs. Shop our range of Monopoly games for sale at The Board Gamer!