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Fantasy Games

Fantasy Games

Fantasy Games

Bézier Games

Werewords: Deluxe Edition


Restoration Games

Unmatched: Robin Hood vs Bigfoot


Redshift Games

Unicorn Stew (Card Game)


Calliope Games

Tsuro of the Seas (Board Game)


The City of Games

The Isle of Cats (Board Game)


ThunderGryph Games

Spirits of the Forest (Board Game)


Greater Than Games

Spirit Island (Board Game)


Alderac Entertainment Group

Smash Up: The Bigger Geekier Box


Leder Games

Root: The Vagabond Pack


Leder Games

Root (Board Game)


Thunderworks Games

Roll Player (Dice Game)


Sand Castle Games

Res Arcana (Board Game)


The Red Dragon Inn

The Red Dragon Inn 3 (Board Game)


Aeon's End

Aeons End - 2nd Edition


Czech Games Edition



Brotherwise Games

Call to Adventure (Card Game)


Shop our range of fantasy games at The Board Gamer. The fantasy board and card game genre was created from the success of the the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Elements of the game have been pulled into the board game world and over time fantasy board games have advanced in their mechanics, game play and design.

Fantasy board games include many themes, flavors and styles where players take their heroes on adventures and quests, exploring dungeons and defeating exotic creatures. Immerse yourself and your friends in a fantasy world and shop our fantasy board games.