Bolt Action: Soviet Army Weapons Teams
Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providingas they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, mortar teamsand flamethrower teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponentwith multiple challenges to overcome.
The sniper became synonymous with the Red Army, particularly during the grimsieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad. ‘Sniper schools’ were established inbombed-out buildings and cellars, where successful snipers passed down theirskills to ever-growing numbers of students – many of them women. Sovietpropaganda lavished attention on successful snipers and encouraged a doctrine of‘sniperism’ among the troops. Snipers used telescopic sights on either abolt action Moisin-Nagant 1891/30, or, more rarely, a TokarevSVT-40 smi-automatic rifle. A variety of ammunition was used, including tracerand armour-piercing rounds. Soviet snipers were available at company levelworking as teams or sometimes on their own. Individual Red Army squads wouldoften have a designated marksman with a scoped rifle to help compensate for thelack of long-range firepower due to the large numbers of submachine guns in use.Soviet snipers became renowned for their fieldcraft, stealth and patience. Themost successful snipers each accounted for hundreds of the enemy – around500 being the greatest tally recorded by a single sniper.
The standard light mortar used by Russian infantry during World War II wasthe 50mm Infantry Mortar Model 1940 (50-PM 40), a cheaper version of the earliermodel 1938, In addition, the Soviet army received considerable numbers of 2-inchmortars from Britain via Lend-Lease. The 50mm was deemed a ‘company’ mortaras opposed to the heavier 82mm battalion and 120mm regimental mortars. Theallocation of 50mm mortars was initially to individual teams at platoon level,but later they were more often concentrated together at company level for use enmasse. The weapon was easily man-portable and could lay down a high explosive orsmoke bombs at a range of over 800 yards.
The Soviets made great use of flamethrowers including FOG-1 static types dugin to cover bunkers and trenches. Due to shortcomings in developing othercredible anti-tank weapons, Red Army doctrine placed strong emphasis on usingflamethrowers as anti-tank as well as anti-infantry weapons. They even formedseparate motorised anti-tank flamethrower battalions in 1943. By far the mostcommon Russian flamethrowers were the man-packed ROKS types. The ROKS-2 wasdesigned with a fuel tank that looked like an ordinary backpack and a nozzleresembling a rifle, so as not to attract unwelcome attention on thebattlefield.
Contains the following Warlord Resin Plus figures:
- 2-man Sniper team
- 2-man Light Mortar team
- 2-man Flamethrower team
The models come supplied unpainted and unassembled, contents may varyfrom the box image.

Product Details
Product Code: 36661774Barcode: 5060917991162
Brand: Bolt Action
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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