In the deduction game Mystic Paths, players are challenged to navigate pathsthrough a labyrinth called the Eternal Forest. Each player's path isunique — and only you know the way. However, you cannot traverse the forestalone. Your teammates are needed to open the sealed portals along each step.Give clever clues, hope your teammates can read your mind, and complete yourjourney!
To complete the journey, each player takes a turn providing clues about whichportal is their next step. Each step can have up to five different portals, butonly one is the correct one, so players give clues that relate (hopefully) tothe correct next step.
The challenge is that the only clues available are cards that have beendealt, so sometimes the clues may not relate to the next portal of a journey,which means you have to get creative. This is where you need to try to read theminds of your teammates. For example, the next portal on your journey could bethe word “anteater”, and your clues are limited to cards you are dealt, likescary, or tall, or handsome. Which would you choose as your clue?
The game takes place in five rounds. Beat the game by having everyonecomplete their own journey before the five rounds are over.
The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

Product Details
Product Code: 36489068Barcode: 631080213976
Brand: R&R Games
Playtime: 20-45 minutes
Recommended Age: 12+
Number of Players: 2-6
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Party & Trivia Board Games, Party Board Games, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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