In the grim world of kindergarten, where juice is the fuel of chaos, wherethe playground is the ultimate arena, where the struggle against tantrums isreal, the teachers, the guardians of order remain ever faithful, ready to jumpin and take the ball away, if they have to.
While the situation in the battlefield appears calm, hostilities may breakout at any moment. The yard remains rife with dangers, and the tribes ofkindergardeners shall be unleashed upon each other any minute now.
Who will prevail in the ultimate battle between light and darkness, betweenorder and chaos, between disinfectant and sharp objects?
In Operation: Kindergarten, the players are teachers that are trying to keepchildren safe, and return them to their classrooms – and they will not stopat anything to do so, including disrupting their fellow teachers' routines.
Using a dice placement mechanism, the players direct the movement distance& direction of children, affect where the retiring head teacher will beinspecting next, and decide on their own movement and actions throughoutthe day.

Product Details
Product Code: 34823864Barcode: 859573004218
Publisher: LudiCreations
Brand: LudiCreations
Playtime: 45-60 minutes
Recommended Age: 12+
Number of Players: 2-4
Themes: Sci-Fi
Board Game Mechanics: Area Control | Dice Rolling
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Sci-Fi Games, Strategy Board Games
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