Take the perfect ingredients and make the tallest sandwich. Gain points forsets of Toppings, Critters, and the tallest sandwich. The Chef with the mostpoints wins. Careful: you will lose points for ingredients that fall off thesandwich.
You are an Ogre Chef, and you must compete against other Ogre Chefs toimpress the Ogre King with your culinary skill. Gather ingredients and Stackthem on your sandwich to create the most delectable meal in the swamp. At theend, carefully present your sandwich to the Ogre King. The Ogre King demands aperfect sandwich and he’ll only eat the most delectable offering…May thebest Ogre Chef Win.
What Players Do: Roll two dice, the first dice is a mandatory action thatinvolves taking an ingredient of the indicated type from the supply and puttingit on your sandwich. The second dice roll is an optional bonus action that willlet you grab additional ingredients, place additional ingredients, stealingredients or force another chef to remove an ingredient from theirsandwich.
Game Mechanics: The placement of the ingredients has a few rules. Chefs mayonly use two fingers when placing an ingredient on their sandwich. Critters mustbe placed standing up. Lettuce and Cheese must be placed over the top of thecritters on your sandwich when you place it. Once you have placed a cheese orlettuce, you must place all future critters on top of the top layer of yoursandwich, no tucking critters underneath.
If a critter falls over, you may pick it up one time and attempt to place itagain. If you knock anything else over or off of your sandwich during thissecond attempt, follow the rules for a knocked over or knocked offingredient.
If a critter is knocked over but remains on the sandwich, it does not counttowards your set of critters at the end, but it is still worth 1 point.
If a critter or ingredient is knocked off the sandwich, meaning it touchesthe table in any way, remove it and any ingredients on top of it from yoursandwich. Those ingredients are removed from the game.
- 2–4 Players
- 15–30mins
- Ages 8+

Product Details
Product Code: 38923450Barcode: 662187879437
Brand: Strange Machine Games
Playtime: 15-30 minutes
Recommended Age: 8+
Number of Players: 2-4
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games
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