A City in the mountains was discovered but no one dares to venture withouthaving mapped the place… Here is finally a mission for you, Archaeologist withimplacable logic.
ArcheOlogic is a competitive deduction game whose goal is to first find theexact location of the buildings of the City.
To help you? An Archeoscope, the only research instrument capable of reading thecoded cards left by the Ancients.
Ask the Archeoscope your questions by adjusting its cogs, note the preciousanswers, and replace the buildings on your plan.
Think carefully, some questions will take more time than others, but maybe theiranswer will make you win the game.
In ArcheOlogic, you do not play in a specific order. It is your turn to playwhen your pawn is in the last position on the Time track of thecentral board.
Determine the question you want to ask the Archeoscope and move your pawnforward on the Time track as many positions as the total cost of thequestion.
Ask the Archeoscope the right questions.
You can ask a question about:
- Buildings (how many cells of the square are there on axis 3?)
- Traps (what are the traps present on axis A?)
- Empty Zones (how much empty zones are there on the C axis?).
Set the Archeoscope by turning its cogs to the chosen question, take thecoded card, place it below and read the answer given.
As the game progresses, and depending on the answers collected, replace theBuildings on your Map.
If, at the beginning of your turn, you think you have found the exact layoutof the Buildings on the Map, move your Time token forward 4 positions.
Check your answer on the online application OR on the rulebook. If correct,you have won! If you failed and are playing with the app, continue as normal. Ifyou play with the rulebook, you are immediately eliminated.

Product Details
Product Code: 37874483Barcode: 3760269592810
Brand: Ludonaute
Playtime: 45 minutes
Recommended Age: 12+
Number of Players: 1-4
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Dudley's Christmas Gift Recommendations, Puzzles for Mother's Day!, Sale Games, Strategy Board Games
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